Wednesday 14 September 2011

Social night

Last night was social night.  My first ever with my new club.  I like saying that, "my club".  It gives me a proud glow of satisfaction, a sense of belonging and a feeling of commitment. I am now officially a proper cyclist not just a commuter.  That's what it does for me.

So, the meet being in Warrington at 8pm I opted to drop in to my in laws who live the other side of W from the meet up point.  This turned out to be a most excellent plan as my 16 year old  nephew likes to bake.  Apple cake to eat in and lemon drizzle to take away.  Add to that a cuppa and some great company from nephew and SIL Heather and all was lovely.  I had printed myself directions to get to the club and allowed 30% more time than google suggested and off I went.  Discovered a lot of interesting back roads but found the sports club in the end.  Went upstairs to find the bar and hadn't a clue who I was looking for.  Back down the stairs and asked at reception.  Followed directions and was somewhat taken aback by what I saw.  Men.  Nothing but men.  Lots of men.  Ages from maybe 30 through to potentially 70 (this could be an exaggeration).  Absolutely terrifying to try to walk into that group unsure of myself.  Fortunately there at the bar was Karl, the rider I'd met twice before, once on my first club run at Wildboorclough and secondly at Llandegla when nobody else turned up.  Fortified with an orange juice and lemonade and with Karl by my side I advanced into the group seeking a chair.  In honesty I  have to say not one welcoming glance / eye contact from this group of strangers, not a warm smile.   However, I have a right to be here so I plonk myself down and focus on intermittent chat with Karl and checking out my surroundings while waiting for the speakers.

Three really informative chats from club members, first one on Audaxes (these sound like the cycling geek's equivalent of heaven), second on Go Race, an initiative headed up by my own organisation I knew nothing about and third Time Trials (the traditional blazer wearer's cycling option).  All in all, I warmed to the place, laughed, even spoke to a stranger and paid up my membership fee.

I am a club member.

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