This morning's bike ride was brought to you by pain and suffering. Decided I was feeling "on it" this week and it was time to do the slightly hilly route (note this is purely by my standards). It's weird, same start point (home) and same destination (work) and yet there's one route which has three excruciating short climbs and yet no noticeable descents and another route which is pretty much flat. Where do the hills come from?
In a moment of let the dog see the rabbit I did even find myself attempting to chase down a man on a bike, who, from my somewhat distant view looked kind of achievable, and had the kind of arse I felt was worth pursuing. But that was the first hill of the ride, and in honesty I was relieved when he turned off down a left turn as I carried on and the pressure was off. It's not a chatty route, the hilly one. It's a route which avoids the town centre which is a way that always offers up some kind of company. A solitude route on the whole, shunned by other cyclists for reasons I can only comprehend if they too are not feeling the hilly love. And today I mostly sung as I pedalled to the tune, words and rhythm of Wilson Phillips.
I feel a need to over share. Passion killers. Cycling shorts by DHB. I suspect this stands for Damage Her Behind. And I'm being kind with that acronym. I am at the bottom of the cycling shorts drawer. The choices this morning left to me were the DHB death to my lady bits shorts or the Altura, well, we are lycra but frankly were purchased when Alison's arse was more a size 14 than a size 10 and the padding drifts around all over the place, and indeed we are stupid and not sure why we are in the house at all shorts. So I chose the DHBs. Fortunately I'm on the hybrid which has a saddle I would be humiliated to use on a bike of any sporting nature. It has gel. Let me say no more. But the DHBs leave me often relieved that there are areas of my anatomy I clearly no longer have a use for ... saying no more.
Let me leave you with:
"I know that there is pain but if you hold on for one more day and break free from the chains"
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