Friday 10 August 2012

Conscious Liberation

In the past decade I think there have been three occasions in total when I've stopped dead in my tracks and gone wow, I feel fit.  And fleetingly, that seemed to  happen to me yesterday.  Woke up feeling strangely fresh and vibrant, somehow almost floaty, featherlight.  Fortuitously it was a day for a bike ride.  Once again, and I appreciate this starts to sound samey, Rivington.  But it's not samey for me.  On a hot summer evening, with a good friend, and a bike apiece, it's bloody awesome.  It felt like me and the bike were dancing, a ride when somehow it would have been appropriate for multi coloured butterflies to accompany me up and down the hills.  I could almost sense them dancing through the air around me, enjoying the sunshine, the breeze and the movement.  Not a long ride, but a totally brilliant one, legs and lungs both on board with the process, and miraculously (well, if a sneaky early depart from work can be considered a miracle) we arrived back at the Great Barn cafe in time for toasted ham, mozzarella and basil ciabatta.  Loving those summer opening hours.

It's a funny old week, kind of a one out, one in type of a week as far as the car and equipment have been concerned.  Tuesday morning in went the road bike and the climbing kit.  Wednesday evening out came the road bike and climbing kit.  Thursday morning in went the mountain bike.  Thursday evening the mountain bike came out, got cleaned, and camping stuff accumulated in the hallway.  Friday morning wheels back on the road bike and off we go to work.  Friday night and the hybrid will take its rightful place in the car.  It's all change, change, change, and having earned a beer last night it was, in honesty a push to finish it sat in my pyjamas on the sofa (where I was discovered by my lodger on his return from his Morris dancing evening).

And I lay there in bed wondering why my buttocks ached, but this morning I still got up, got on the road bike and pedaled my way to work.  In record time.  It takes the hybrid 45-50 minute commute down to 35 minutes.  It's some kind of a miracle (that makes two then).  Bloody marvelous.

And in celebratory tones we're humming along with Eurythmics today while cheering to the TV in the hope it'll help Shanaze Reade who's representing GB in the Olympics BMX today ...

"Now this is a song to celebrate
The conscious liberation of the
female state!
Mothers - daughters and their
daughters too.
Woman to woman
We're singin' with you."

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