Monday 13 August 2012

Going In

So here we are in post Olympics slump, and I'm clearing out my desk drawers.  It feels glum.  Until now I've felt kind of excited, giddy, jubilant, all those kinds of words and now I'm feeling, well, just pretty pants really.  Tiredness plays a part to be sure.  I feel somehow peripheral.  In my own life, which isn't what I signed up for.  I either need to go out and annihilate myself or curl up in a corner and refuse to engage with the world.  A whole load of endings coming at once.  The Olympics, the job, and general stuff.  It should feel like a beginning.  Why doesn't it, I wonder?

Yes, tired, I guess.  Thursday saw me out on the mountain bike, Friday cycled to work on the road bike, and Saturday and Sunday I biked on the hybrid from my campsite to the Hadleigh Farm Olympic mountain bike stadium.  There's a 5  year old inside me who just wants to cry and say nobody cares.  But fortunately I'm a big grown up woman of "a certain age", and I won't do that.  Although I kind of want to.

The come down is kind of dramatic.  It's been a few months of highs, and definitely a weekend of stupendous awesomeness during which I've camped at the side of a fishing lake and learned about anglers. I learned that they arrive at 6am, that they have machines that go beep, that they shout when they land a fish, that they have hurricane lamps and curiously down in Essex they have WivesAndGirlfriends who wear black velour tracksuits with writing on the back and UGG boots.  Also they wear down gilets while I wear T-shirt and shorts.  They lean towards the heavy side too.

And because it really has felt like this for a couple of months, even if it doesn't right now, I bring you Jennifer Lopez:

"Tonight, feels like, Tonight, feels like, the best night of my life
I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, hey!"

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