Thursday 25 October 2012

Whispering Wind

Hmm, never really actually properly listened to the lyrics of Stairway to Heaven.  Now, being me, I am over analysing them.  Possibly because I have time.  The lovely luxury of time and I can spend hours just inside my head thinking, mulling, considering.  I'm so relaxed it's bizarre.  A welcome side effect is that my TMJ thingy which is basically knackered jaw cartilage is leaving me well alone, as the occasions when I'm holding my jaw tense are pretty much zero, and indeed my diet has moved to softer foods such as cake ... it's a good life.  This picture shouldbe on my inspiration noticeboard at  home really.  Along with the Dove advert wiomen, a silhouetted cyclist, Bear Grylls and a Guinea pig ...

Open Uni next unit has started, and from initially thinking oh well, it'll be what it'll be, I'm feeling moderately optimistic it might just work quite well.  Free from distractions I'm a lot more likely to knuckle down to my books, and with an imminent departure to the continent (next week) with no TV, limited English speaking radio, and likely to be limited Internet, well, evening distractions are likely to be few, aren't they?  I'm feeling really happy about leaving next week too.  I am trying, well, possibly over trying to maintain friendships, and feel kind of reasonably comfortable with where I am.  It's important to me, and I try hard, not really a needy thing about wanting to be loved, but something much more fundamental to me.  A sense of community and belonging which somehow encompasses an understanding that things shift and change, and happiness is a state that embraces that movement.  Flippin' 'eck, studying Buddhism for the first unit of the course, alongside this travelling malarkey may change me ...

Yesterday and today have been about getting stuff done, seeing folk, baking cake, that kind of thing, saving myself for this evening's MTB night ride out there in the Peak District.  May be time for winter clothing, methinks.

And I leave here pondering Led Zeppelin ...

"There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking."

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