Thursday 26 May 2011

Being brave

Do something each day that scares you, they say.  Whoever they might be.  Generally I laugh scornfully at such a statement and respond "what, just one thing?".  So I am very much aware of my tendencies to be a wuss.  It's been really really windy recently.

This simply won't do said the nasty parent state inside me (Berne's transactional analysis model has a lot to answer for  So after much internal wrangling on Tuesday night I got the bike out, just to see what it felt like to be a little out of control and at risk of wind blown diversions from the straight and narrow.  Just a short trip, a killing two birds with one stone thing (there we go, another of those common phrases), by doing the two mile trip to the allotment on the bike.  Wanting the trip to be a success, I dressed with care, even donning the winter bike tights (it's nearly June for pity's sake), and a windproof softshell.  And it was fine.  Turns out the commuter bike is built like a tank and it would take one hell of a wind to blow something that weight off track.  Job done.

So, Wednesday did see me back on the bike again on the work commute, possibly over dressed for the time of year, but I got out there, and I did it, and nobody died.

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